Monday, May 14, 2012

DAY 3!!

Only 57 days left!! Day 3 is a half day all of my portions are cut in half again! It was easier that then day one witch is great. I am begging to realize that easy is not exactly what this program is about.This is my second time through as most of you know, but sadly I did not understand that the whole premise of this program is to rely on Christ rather then our own strength. today's lesson was bout just that. The verse was Psalms 82:10-12  10 I am the LORD your God,
who brought you up out of Egypt.
Open wide your mouth and I will fill it.

11 "But my people would not listen to me;
Israel would not submit to me.

12 So I gave them over to their stubborn hearts
to follow their own devices  

I think the thing that stood out to me the most this time is the Lord will provide we just have to listen and  obey Him. This is not just sometimes but all the time. We can do nothing worth while without Him. I can not succeed in this program by trying to do it on my own. I must look to Him to provide my strength to carry on. Especially when they days start to repeat and I start to get in a rhythm. 

Today for exercise I downloaded this new app for my phone called couch to 5K, to help me train for the 5K I am running in September. It was amazing, I ran for 25 min. (interval running that is). The app tells you when to walk and when to run so all you have to do is listen to music and listen to the "coach".  I loved it an am very excited to do the next session. 

Over all, I think that today was another success! The Lord is doing a good work in my heart and I can feel a difference in me endurance while exercising!



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